The Israel Lighting Association
The Israel Lighting Association is a professional non profit organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of the lighting profession and establishing lighting as a official profession in Israel.
The association works in cooperation with
The Israel Lighting Association is the member of AEAI – The Association of Engineers, Architects and Graduates in Technological Sciences in Israel is the national umbrella organization representing its members in Israel.
Trade union for lighting professionals in Israel.
Promotion and spreading knowledge of lighting engineering for the benefit of lighting professionals and users.
Representation of lighting engineering professionals in national and international organizations.
Initiation of standardization, assimilation of international standards and preparation of local regulations and good-practice guidelines.
Cooperation with government and authorities in the State of Israel for the promotion of quality-of-lighting.
Organization of seminars, conferences and open professional discussions.
Professional training on relevant topics through in-service training.
Promote the official recognition of lighting installation design as an academic vocational discipline.